Thursday, April 30, 2009

To my little butterfly

who flutters inside me every morning.

This is your bhaiya and he is waiting for you, my titli.

You can probably feel him both tickling and kicking you at night. He thinks you are a ball. Thats your big brother for you.

He has agreed to share his yellow puzzle with you. He'll show you the animal chart, the tiniest of ants by the door and how to call mama or papa to clean when there is the tiniest speck of water or milk on the table. And you will soon learn from him that mama and papa do it all for him coz every little sentence begins with 'please'

He'll take you along to the teddy bears' picnic. You just might have to carry the carrots and water though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your photography, Madeemosailee!
And the little bhaiya too :)