Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I am letting out a little secret. Let's see if you can catch it.


momstir said...

B, pls tell me that is u

Nino's Mum said...

:) I'm very happy to guess, and you can call me tunnel-vision, but it'd be more freudian than you think.
a) you're adding to the brood.
b) you're moving to India so I can share nice tea kettles with you.

momstir said...


a) it is! I thought I had a little ticker on my site and just saw that blogger ate it up. So wish b) were true too, and soon.

Nino's Mum said...

OMG, OMG, OMG. Momstir, congratulations!
Please tell me more! yay! I won't be able to stop grinning now!

SUR NOTES said...


and take care...