Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just another day

Warning: This is not a happy and fun post.

I believe I have been the most bored person in town. This weather is just getting to me. It gets cold and then colder and then it rains. Even when there is the odd sunshine, it is treacherously cold outside. I need my sunlight and I need to step outdoors. I don't know how people in really cold places survive the cold months without going crazy. Its probably this city that doesn't host anything interesting in the winter. I guess places like Chicago and Boston have places where people can gather and atleast see signs of life that extend beyond the lights in the neighbor's house. It is getting dreadful here. I could do fun stuff but then there is always so much household work to be done instead. I need to fold the laundry. And if I really want, I could produce more at work. But I am so bored and the weather makes me brain-dead.

I might block print some curtains
Hang a nice big white paper lamp in my study
I will go for a nice walk in this freezing weather

Any ideas on what I can do in this situation?

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