Thursday, April 16, 2009

Rishtaa nayaa rabba dil chu raha hai...

Things I like about being 18 weeks pregnant, or just being pregnant for the second time

1. My unabashed cheesy taste in music, as just displayed above. I listen to the King and his ladylove and am not ashamed to say it out aloud.

2. The constant tug between my throat and tummy when one won't take a morsel down and the other threatens to tear out with hunger. Of course I'm always happy when the tummy wins. Even when we have to pay obeisance to the porcelain pot later on.

3. I absolutely love it when my little man comes running leaving his precious trucks climbing the imaginary bridges, to ask me 'Mamma, your cough all done?" And then proceeds to throw some toilet paper in the pot and flushes. I am telling you no man has ever taken such good care of me.

4. Curling up in my old lemon socks with pink flowers and reading the 'What to expect' book and already knowing most of the stuff.

5. The crazy excitement of being a mommy AGAIN!!! Also knowing that this is it... no more nausea and huge bellies ever again.

And then things I don't like

1. Urinary incontinence

2. My month-long cold and cough that refuses to go away. Perhaps baby wants me to OD on oranges and clementines.

3. No one wonders whether to call 911 anymore when I am paying obeisance to the porcelain pot.

4. Feeling weak and tired most of the time.

5. Reading 'What to expect' and other stuff and already knowing all the stuff

6. The after taste in my mouth. I cannot eat anything sweet, even most fruit. It leaves a yucky lingering taste in my mouth that makes me mildly nauseous. No dals, processed food. Only fresh homemade food for me which means I need to cook it too most of the times. Afterall one of us needs to entertain the little man and I don't have as much energy to chase the very naughty boy around. (I probably need to take this list to my doctor at the next visit. Till I do that, pliz bear with me)


SUR NOTES said...

tagged you...

Nino's Mum said...

:) beautiful song and post. sigh. my in-laws are in the US right now, new york to be precise, and aunty makes the best feel-good gujju food for nausea. should I tell her to bag you some?