Monday, December 1, 2008

Sitting in my office, before plunging neck-deep into work, I stare blankly, very confused at everything. I don't know how to put my mind to reading about the revolutions in Cuba, Mexico when I am just physically here and mentally in my own land?

I saw this picture of a cop feeding a little girl some milk, the little one swathed in blood. I just cannot bring myself to work when I want to cry instead.

Now I do recognise that I am doubtlessly more cowardly than the people I saw on that programme on NDTV with Ms. Dutt chewing on my brains with her stupid arguments. No, I am not more cowardly than her. I refer to the people who have suffered so much loss and yet were so coherent, articulate and reassuring. The Muslim gentleman with the white cap. I cannot forget the look on his face. Stoic. I was totally bored with Ness Wadia who seemed to have just heard about the shootings or read about them in the newspapers, so alienated were his responses. I liked Luke Kenny's hearftful response, the sentiment, not the content. Everyone, except Wadia, was more articulate than Dutt. She took the cake when in response to Simi Garewal's comment on how America secured itself post 9/11, she made the very argument-for-argument sake comment that lots of America's wars have not been right. No doubt about that, devi Dutt, but is that what we are discussing here. Amazes me how insensitive and stupid these people can be.

Anyhow, I feel a wee bit better now. Doesn't help that people at work have nothing to say. How insensitive. I have no hope from these little pigs here. (That name calling certianly made me feel better.)

Seriously, what should I do? I really do want to do something and immediately.


Nino's Mum said...

you're so right about barkha's attitude on we the people show last night: sometimes I think she means 'me the people'. I loved Ratna Pathak's views - she seemed so visibly shaked and angry, just like most people here.
most newspapers/television channels are offering e-campaigns that people can sign up to - so you can try that.
Howz your sister - has she left or is a bit of home still around?

momstir said...

Thanks, NM. Sister here for another month :))